Public consultation sought on enduring powers of attorney

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An enduring powers of attorney is a legal document that allows you to choose a trusted person to act on your behalf in the event you one day lose the capacity to manage your own affairs.

There are two different types of enduring powers of attorney: one for personal care and welfare, and one for property. The forms for both of these types of enduring powers of attorney are set out in the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 (“the Act”).

Currently, the Ministry of Social Development is consulting on changes to enduring powers of attorney. Public feedback is being sought as part of a review of the various amendments made to the Act in 2007.

Information on the review and a link to an online questionnaire are available on the Ministry of Social Development website

If you would like legal advice regarding creating enduring powers of attorney or any related issues, please contact Wells & Co Barristers & Solicitors